Sunday 5 June 2016

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple Fast

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple FastEveryone knows the horror of waking up to a brand new, shiny and very visible pimple. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to drastically reduced levels of self-esteem when these pimples appear, often without warning. However, pimples do not have to be so terrifying. There are simple remedies that you can use to take these dreadful pimples off your face. Of course, there is all the hype of applying creams for magical effects on your face, but you also need to consider the wonders that nature can work for you. Here are some tips on how to get rid of pimples from your face:

1. Lemon

These little citrus fruits might be all you need to clear the pimples from your face and regain your confidence. You need to extract the juice from the lemon yourself, or at least be sure that the juice you use is extracted from fresh lemons. Commercially sold lemon juice may contain preservatives that are not good for your skin at all. Once you have the juice, dip a cotton ball into it and then dab it on the affected area. The citric acid in the lemons should dry the pimples. For a better effect, you should combine the lemon juice with a soothing agent such as cinnamon or cucumber. The soothing agent helps to rejuvenate the skin around the pimple to further enhance your appearance. However, you have to be careful with lemon if you have very sensitive skin which might get irritated by lemon.

2. Tea oil

Another way on how to get rid of pimples is by application of tea oil over the affected area. Tea oils have anti- bacterial properties that fight pimples which are basically accumulations of bacteria and dirt which over time get filled with pus that then manifests itself in the form of pimples. These tea oils are very much available in most drug stores and pharmacies. Before applying these tea oils, you need to clean your face, then dip a cotton swab into the tea and apply it on the desired area, and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash the oil off and you can smile at the person you see in the mirror with pride.

3. Do some cleaning

Having known that pimples are accumulations of dirt, it follows that one of the simplest way to beat them is by maintaining high levels of cleanliness. Clean your beddings every now and then in order to give dirt no chance at accumulating on your face. 

4. Eat vegetables

Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients that will reward you with a beautiful, glowing and blemish less skin if you faithfully eat them. Ditch fatty and greasy foods in favor of more healthy foods and with time, you should see marked improvement on your skin.

5. Baking soda

Another fast way of ridding yourself of pimples is by the application of a baking powder paste on the affected area. Although this might be a little irritating for some people, it is a good and fast way of destroying these pimples.

6. Ice

You can rub ice that has been wrapped with a light piece of cloth periodically on the area with pimples. This should improve blood circulation in your face which does your skin a lot of good.

7. Pop the pimple

If worst comes to worst, you might consider popping that annoying pimple. This should however be done as a last resort, and beware that popping pimples might make the situation worse, and might even spread the bacteria to unaffected areas. Done correctly however, popping a pimple might be a good option when the situation is desperate.


There are very simple ways of ridding yourself of pimples, so they should not be too terrifying. However, if you try all these tips and none works for you, you might want to consult a professional dermatologist who will recommend a medical procedure or some medicine to rid you of the pimples.

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