Ground Zero has become a great venue to come play paintball and socialize on a Sunday.
We meet new people and form bonds during the paint slinging battles to capture and save our flag,
while trying to calm our nerves knowing there is a fellow paintballer just itching to let loose on us.
Trust me it is not all fun and games tempers flare and words are spent ,lucky for us that is why we have
to calm us down and prevent stupid mistakes, accidents happen and yes most of the time it can be avoided
by following the simple rules and listening to the game and safety briefing before the game starts, instead of making
jokes or whispering in your friend's ear that the girl has a kick ass... paintball marker. After all we are all just paintballers .
We are all here to have fun and socialize with other players while we have a braai and chat about what is new on the
market and what is hot.
Paintball has fast become the activity to go and release some built up stress and we all have stress in our lives. we all need
to vent and what better way to do this other than paintball. Yes it is an action sport and we take a lot of precaution to prevent injury ,
but bruising will happen when the paintball hits you on a soft spot, next time this happens try these remedies form Wiki.
- Ice the area. Putting something cold on the bruise will reduce swelling and help it heal more quickly. Do this as soon as possible, and you can stop the bruise from spreading so far.
- Fill a resealable plastic bag with ice chips, or find a bag of frozen vegetables like corn or peas. Wrap the bag in a towel or T-shirt, and lay it over the bruise.
- Flexible gel-filled ice packs, specifically designed for injuries, are available from sports shops. Athletes usually keep a few on-hand to fight bruises.
- Put ice on the area for 15 minutes out of every hour. Over-chilling the skin around the bruise can lead to frostbite.
- Elevate the bruised area. Reduce blood flow to the area with gravity's help. Lifting the bruised area so that it's above your heart will prevent blood from pooling in the bruised area, and reduce discoloration.
- For instance, if the bruise is on your leg, settle onto the couch and rest your leg on top of a few pillows. If your leg is even a few inches above your heart, you're good.
- If your arm is bruised, try to prop it up on an armrest or a few pillows, so that it's at heart-level or above.
- If your torso is bruised, you might be out of luck. Focus on icing the area instead.
- Elevate the bruised area. Reduce blood flow to the area with gravity's help. Lifting the bruised area so that it's above your heart will prevent blood from pooling in the bruised area, and reduce discoloration.
- For instance, if the bruise is on your leg, settle onto the couch and rest your leg on top of a few pillows. If your leg is even a few inches above your heart, you're good.
- If your arm is bruised, try to prop it up on an armrest or a few pillows, so that it's at heart-level or above.
- If your torso is bruised, you might be out of luck. Focus on icing the area instead.
Paintball is not just a sport it's our way of life!
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